Genoil's ZEC Miner

wouldn’t everyone? lol

Hey Genoil,

There seems to he hard limit on fan speed in 0.4.1 My fans do not run beyond 30% (reference rx480)

Do you have any fragment of code that is setting the fan speed. Can you please remove that?
Thank you

Hey did you set your fan speed to exact 40% ?
Mine is stuck at 30%!!!

Works for me when I manually set them in WATTMAN

I am using wattool. Ok I wil lset it using wattman. !

Hi Louie, you think that the 470 would be getting the same results as the 480?

Since the 470 480 cards are getting around the same results then they should be similar once the upgrade come right?

Louie do you have a link to that quote?


hey bro, sorry man I am not from that part of the world,

amazon or newegg like louie said

Miner slows down over time. Having to reboot every 30 min to an hour. H/s stay the same but miner share submits slow to a crawl.

If I had to guess, I would say yes very close. Who knows if the optimizations in the future allow the 8GB 480’s to go higher.

about 8 posts up from the very bottom

Thanks bro, appreciate it…

Can anyone tell me what type of cpu and motherboard is good to run max gpus (470 / 480) please

asrock H81 pro btc can get to up to 6 GPU.

Thanks bro, and what type of cpu?

It depends because right now cpu are quite powerful for zcash. Two choices : if you believe zcash mining will be done in a combination a CPU + GPU go with a strong i7. Otherwise get a cheap celeron (I have the G1840) they will get the job done. Personally I don’t think investing in an expensive CPU is wise actually.

Thanks bro, will look into it.

Tried to leave me rig on all night but woke up to it off.

Started it today around 3 times and it restarts my computer all 3 times after about 1 hour of mining.

Anyone else getting this problem?

I have some vga 7950 and 7970 , plz help me .

Do you use the usb powered risers on this?

PC automatically reseting is a weak power supply.

These GPU’s do not currently work with SILENTARMY. Sorry.