Genoil's ZEC Miner

Yes you need risers.

280x, 370 no work…help me

I think you should start reading up and go check out some youtube videos about mining.

Bits Be Trippin has some nice guides on youtube

Mine is doing this as well… Is this because of vardiff on pool? We are submitting a LOT less shares, but they are at a higher difficulty? Anyone else seeing this? It’s a huge difference. The last time I restarted my miners I got 6500 share the first hour… 1500 the next :frowning:

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I don’t know what you mean? you replied to me answering a questions about is the rx470 close to the rx480 in sol/s

But I was looking at each card on afterburn and not 1 was going over 100w, I had 4 cards in.

I took 1 card out so total 3 in and restarted again…

Im using 1000w power supply.

Thanks bro, im on it :wink:

Yep I will check that out, thank you

where r u located? Got 1 with no slot to put it in.

Oh, sorry @Louie2001912, thought I was responding to @Tbone5660 about the miner slowing down drastically submitting shares.

It’s ok. I do have the same problem, i set my bat file to kill the miner every 10 minutes and restart it. Works for me till it’s fixed.

Yep, everytime you restart the miner after some time your shares will go up drastically.

@Louie2001912. Whoa, how did you do that? Sorry, not great at scripting. :slight_smile:

@echo off


set executable=genoil.exe
set commandline= -c -u 1DSvuVQPQup5q1e3S1AcfzEatkxSS9mno.Louie480 -p x -P 1

set runforseconds=800
set restartinseconds=5
set /a counter=0
timeout 10
start “genoil” %executable% %commandline%
echo The software will run for %runforseconds% seconds
timeout %runforseconds%
taskkill /f /im %executable%
echo Restarting the software in %restartinseconds% seconds (%counter%)
timeout %restartinseconds%
set /a counter+=1
goto start

Feel free to farm on that address for a few minutes as a tip. : P jk


That’s awesome! Thanks!

Thank you for that information…!

Can anyone make this bat for windows?

It is a bat file for windows…

looking for someone with a rx 470 8gb (you tell me which card) hash rate with the new genoil miner?

I have 4 x red devil 480 8gb 1330mhz pumping out 125-130 sols,

i want to see what a 470 does for a future rig

what does it do?
does it restart if a gpu goes down?