Zcash Network Full Node Count Dropping

Are there any explanations about why the full node count (at current block height) has dropped so low?

We’re at around 130-135 nodes, whereas that count had tracked closer to 170 or more for the past year or two. Can any of the infrastructure engineers weigh in about this Blockchair site? (Are they accurately tracking all of the nodes on the network?)

Is it possible that people are deciding to pull their full node off the network, or has something technical happened that might be causing the decrease?

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I think more folks are running nodes. If I had to guess, Id say blockchair is not accurate. The good news is ZF is making it much easier to others to spin one up!


its because of the spam bug, the price and other difficulties…
we have to run as many nodes as soon as Zebra Launcher is ready!!!

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Zebra launcher is working now, super simple:


The only way that I know to do it for normal users is to run the Ziggurat crawler and I’m betting it will likely find roundabout the same number, but it does vary depending on the time and the seed ip’s etc.
Also, you’ll have to link these 170 figures. Not saying that’s exactly wrong but I don’t quite remember that post NU5. Or maybe that’s what you’re referring to like what dude says with the Spam? Yeah that def


Yesss, this is so great!
i wished for this :))

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this is very very big step to get more nodes. also zebra node runs so lightly on windows also now, im just syncing up one extra. but i think node runners should be incentivised also somehow a bit more also.


My crawl found 150 magicbeans and 13 zebras so yeah, a few more than last time. Went for 12hrs so its gotta be pretty close I’d say

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Thanks for running that crawl. Among the magicbeans does it count if they’re within a certain proximity of the highest height?

~170 was just off the top of my head, I check the network stats once or twice a month, and for a long time we were sitting around 150-170 nodes up near the current height. (Like you mention, I’m reflecting on just the past couple years)

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It specifies them against the protocol version which is 170100, I think with just handshakes. I don’t think it actually requests any state information like if it’s currently syncing or fully synced, I’ll have to check.