No ROI in mining Zcash or any other altcoin

wow you are mining at less than 0.1$/kWh… That’s why I can yield profit here, 0.3$/kWh :innocent:

Sound logic indeed, and I don’t dispute that taking risks is an integral and necessary part of investing. My point was only to this particular investment, ie. mining altcoins. I can take a risk and spend $100 at the grocery store on scratch-off lottery tickets, and there is a small chance that I may very well make a profit, even a large one. Would I recommend that investment strategy to a friend? Of course not. The reality is that a home miner paying for equipment and electricity would be better off investing those funds in their retirement account rather than pooling out $2000 for a mining rig that will not only never make ROI, may possibly fail due to stress on the components, and will most certainly suffer a resale loss on the used components. As I said in my original post, we would all like to be the lucky one who mined 10,000 bitcoins by jumping in right from the start. But it’s too late, that opportunity is already gone. That is reality, and reality is the only voice worth listening to.

Yeah I def agree with you that it’s not worth investing thousands into alt coin mining unless there is at least some feasible path to ROI. I just feel that one has to be smart about their approach to minimize their potential for losses. I would never buy expensive hardware to mine a new coin (to much uncertainty) and only mine at a loss if I had hardware from which I had already ROId on and it was just sitting around collecting dust.

One thing I would recommend to a friend would be to take your $100 scratch off example, but apply it in a different way. You could take that same $100 and buy a couple used AMD 7850’s for $20 each (70sols), a couple of USB risers and then use old computer gear they may already have around their home to start a small mining op to mine with while not profitable. Then later upgrade if the profitability is there. If not, they’re only out of $50-100 for hardware costs (vs. thousands). This allows them to mine while not sinking a mortgage payment into hardware costs.

I think the trap most new miners fall into is trying to go too big too soon which sets them up for failure from the get go. It’s possible to mine those “10000 bitcoins” still, it’s just not as easy and requires more calculation.

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If you have calculations to mine 7 million dollars I am all ears my friend! :wink:

Happy with gpu choice? I’m doing same. Either fewer high end or many low end (rx vs r7 era). Opinion?

I’m still looking and will let you know once I find out lol…

It’s pretty cool you have to say though that you can use those 7850s and get a pretty good hash rate out of them.

“Good news everyone!, The IT department has decided to be nice and upgrade everyone’s GPU for free this year!” lol :joy:

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Meh, I would go with 470 or 480, less energy and better hash rate

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How many accounts\usernames do you run on this forum?

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It is simply logic, so you waste time mining if you can buy cheap. It’s the same reasoning as bitcoin in its beginnings, when for a few dollars you could buy hundreds of bitcoins

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He just said the same absurd thing, used hardware, will give worse performance than new, and will get less ZEC than if he buys them, instead of mining.

What do you think of Fury X? Too power hungry?

Never tried it, BUT that’s what i hear… From what I read, 470 is a great card, apparently getting 28 MH/s out of box, prolly get closer to 30 with some non crazy tweaking… Why not right?

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Exactly. And rx470 is newer chip gen. Curious to see rx490 when it’s released

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I mine with one R9 270X, two HD7970 and one HD7950.
Сost of electricity is 0.07$ kW/h.

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It’s not as simple as it looks like, what thesmokingman tried to explain is, as I understood:

  1. You buy coin, get slightly more than from mining, don’t pay electricity bills, coin price becomes shit - you lose your money
  2. You mine coin, you get coin and hardware (which can be used not only for mining), pay for electricity every month, coin price becomes shit - you have a chance to cover your losses not by only selling coins, but by selling equipment.

Another thing is whether your equipment will cover your past electricity bills or not? To roughly calculate this, take electricity bills for the period of time spent for mining and divide it on your equipment retail price0.7 (minus minimum 30% for used equipment) plus amount of coins minedcoin current price. Electricity/(Equipment0.7 + CoinsUSD). Everything lower than 1 means profit. Don’t count time spent for rig maintenance, possibility of equipment outages etc.

As a conclusion:

  1. If you buy coins instead of mining and coin price skyrockets - OK, you have couple thousands of $ more profit at the moment, then without equipment you won’t be able to make any significant amount of money with buying coin. In another scenario you just lose your money.
  2. If you mine coins instaed of buying and coin price skyrockets - OK, you have coupte thousands of $ less profit at the moment, but you continue mining and receiving coins and will reach coin-buyers’ income in a couple of weeks. In another scenario you will have a chance to cover your losses by selling equipment.

So, in my opinion investing in hardware is less risky than buying coin directly, and if you’ll be wise and invest couple of thousands more in green power for your household, you’ll nearly even your income from the beginning (assuming that this will work for you and your family for years and not counting it as crypto-realted investment)

But, anyway, everyone is free to choose his own strategy when it comes to money thing.

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Agreed. Mining not be possible by all. But it’s worth it. If you can afford the risk. I’ve been mining coins since the invention of mining coins. It’s worth it.


well, depends also of the consumption of your GPU.
I have replaced all my r9 by RX 480. lower consumption, same hashrate. Profitable.
my electricity cost : 0.13€/kWh


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What about your ROI today?
Price on ZEC looks good at the moment.

Difficulty is a pain in the zwischen den Pobacken, but I run a good profit right now. :grinning:

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and mining is profitable again!

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Yeah, my miner has been back on for about 30 hours now. :smile: :+1:

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