Let’s talk about ASIC mining

Just that is the author’s careful way of saying us and them.

Them = permissionless cryptocurrency purists
Us (Coindesk) = enterprises

So the author is saying his critique of early adopters is “as naïve idealists whose complex solutions are impractical in the real world.” That’s the whole personal opinion point of the article. Though that description might just fit Zcash Company & Community to the T :smile: .

Cryptocurrency was “impractical” when pitched. Bitcoin was ONLY “idealists” until recently. Blockchain is still a “complex solutions”. Of course they would call people “purists” when they resist institutional intervention (which includes Bitmain ASIC takeovers) in cryptocurrency, those are all the reasons most people were attracted to crypto in the first place.

That article is a class-A example of why Coindesk has been doing down the toilet in my eyes. It’s pretty common to see them shilling out for interests contrary to the overwhelming majority of crypto. Not quite fake news (CNN) but more like colorfully bias to push a blatant agenda (NBC).

It was to be expected that the big money interests would try to blunt the disruptive effect of permissionless cryptocurencies on their grip on power derived from the fiat money fraud schemes that catapulted them into power over the past 3 centuries. The interesting thing is to see who will sell out and who will stay true to the principles that they espoused at the start of this saga.

Well, you may disagree but there was a poll and the majority of the respondents expressed that they “feel a certain way”…and guess what way they feel? They feel that Zcash should keep on the stated path of ASIC resistance.


The Code of Conduct is subjectively interpreted and applied against those who have expressed an opinion contrary to those who (edited) appointed you, isn’t that the case? How many posts have you censored that were expressing an opinion aligned with those who have no problem with Bitmain ASCICs dominating the Zcash network.


I’ll reply to you at Moderator Discussion - Adherence to the Code of Conduct - #19 by praesul

I agree that the conversation should never sink to the level of name calling. It is counterproductive in any case.


I posted on your new thread on the topic of censorship. In my view, it is bogus to enforce a ban on those people you kicked out of this conversation for sharing facts and ideas in an impassioned way.

Why wont you allow Cryptomind to post here for example? Is it because he posted this video?

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I see some hurtfeelioma going on here, to be honest, I might have some myself if asics take over. My 24 GPU’s will have to enter the ebay graveyard. Lol…

ahhhh. See I thought you could do a zecproxy like I’m doing with my GPU miners. It shows up on the pool as a single “miner”, but it’s not.

This is why so many of us have recoiled in horror…

It is essentially a repudiation of the “old Zooko”. WE ARE NOT GOING TO SHUT UP AND GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT.

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So Zcash has given up before they even tried?? Is that what I am reading?

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No, it’s that they didn’t even want to try.

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Zooko was pretty much like “Well, we tried. Should we keep going? How about focusing on improving the Zcash network so it doesn’t get compromised by mining centralization?” since the ASIC miner was announced. So that doesn’t surprise me.

At least, some Zcash members and the Foundation are showing “We’ll try to keep Zcash ASIC-Resistant, but we need some time to research the ASIC miner” kind of attitude. That counts for something, right?

Been following as much of this debate as possible and although im just one of many small GPU miners supporting Zcash, it seems like theres a lot of fear of ASICS from GPU miners and it evokes a reactionary response to quickly “do something”. I get that.

However, Instead of banning ASICS i wish more people would focus on decentralizing ASICS. The current system leaves far to many machines in far too few hands and forks ultimately dont solve that problem. In fact they put more control over the replacement Algo back into the hands of the manufacture, who has the resourses and tech to develop an ASIC for the new coin’s algo. Id not be surprised if they were even secretly promoting an effort to fork.

I’d rather compete with my neighbor mining on the latest ASIC than a monopolistic manufacturer who secretly mines on ASICs to mazimize profits before they announce their “new” ASIC miner. So Forks are actually a benefit to The largest ASIC manufacturer as they quickly render the old ASIC unprofitable and unable to mine coins the new ASIC mines (see: planned obsolescence). Its a great business model but dont kid yourself, they’d never let those machines out the door if they could threaten their profitability.

With advancing technology, ASIC resistance is like Santa Claus, Its a great story and I want to believe it but…


The term “personal attack” is sometimes used to describe honest criticism of a person or a group’s behavior or motives. In my view, criticism is a valid form of open communication in some circumstances. The term “personal attack” is sometimes used by those who’s goal it is to suppress criticism. Efforts to suppress critical commentary have been occurring here on this forum lately on the topic of ASIC mining.

Sometimes this is true. However, the “ad hominem” fallacy (the personal attack) is used most of the time here to change the topic of the discussion from the argument itself to the character of the person who’s claims you are opposing:

I see that you, and many of the folks defending the path that the company is taking have brand new accounts on this forum. I find that to be very telling. People who are critical of the company path are being censored and banned.

Like here for example you trying to devalue the side you think you are opposing by presuming a couple of things:

  1. Since my account on the forum is new I must be a Bitmain’s shill. This is false and if you read my previous comments in this thread you’ll know that it is false.

  2. Zcash is censoring only the people who are critical of the company’s path, while you presume that they have already made up their minds regarding the mining issue. Both of these are made on faulty presumptions.

You make this claims true simply because you want them to be true while disregarding the need for any evidence. And this is dishonorable, to say the least.


All the post I read in this thread could just be opinions of the poster and not actual facts! No one really knows what is the real facts here.

That’s why people should stick to the things they know and share their opinions without accusing others, unless they can substantiate their claims.


It apply’s to everyone that post on this forum and not just to who you or anyone else think’s.

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There are facts presented here in this thread - for example:

  1. when the Monero (another privacy oriented coin) devs suspected that there were parties (read Bitmain) covertly using ASICs to mine XMR they decided to change the cryptonight proof of work (PoW) algorithm quickly.

  2. when the Monero devs implemented the PoW change in a fork, the network hashrate decreased by over 75%

  3. That Bitmain began to offer for sale to the public a cryptonight ASIC once it became clear that the Monero devs would fork to combat ASIC domination on their network.

  4. There are media reports that when asked about ASIC resistance for Zcash, Zcash CEO Zooko WIlcox publicly stated he was “not interested in ASIC resistance” and that ASICs may “add value”. Please see:

  5. Most of the Zcash community who responded to a poll on the issue of ASIC resistance responded that they support Zcash forking away from ASICs.


  1. It is a possibility (but nobody has proof) that for personal monetary gain Zooko Wilcox has colluded with Bitmain to delay or prevent an ASIC resistance PoW fork.

These are facts…


How can a possibility without proof be a fact? :roll_eyes: