Genoil's ZEC Miner

check for prices
currently, about $14 (for 0.02703 zec)

on rx480 4GB nitro+ in my experience it was always a pool problem! now mining stable on flypool.

  • Last Price
    0.82219001 btc

you’re using the 1750 strap on 2000, correct?

also, what are you clocked at for each of your 470s? Mind posting your wattman settings?

very informational videos too, btw. keep up the great work!

ok it seems flypool is the most stable

did some tweaking on the script just have it check for accepted shares every min, if no shares are accepted in over a min it restatrs the miner

@echo off
echo starting miner
if exist output.txt del output.txt
time /t
start /MIN nh.bat
timeout /T 60 /NOBREAK >nul

findstr /C:“submitted and accepted.” output.txt
if %errorlevel%==0 (
echo Shares Submitted!
goto loop2
)else (
taskkill /F /IM genoil.exe
timeout /T 1 /NOBREAK >nul
echo re-starting miner
goto loop
|| (
goto loop2


echo %host%

genoil.exe -c -u t1KyWZ8r5M6Tro16ixy4afsLnQRnbSxBwQU.%host% -p z >output.txt

echo quit >output.txt

Thanks. Quite pitiful amount but will keep hashing.

Holy cow! According to poloniex, is ZEC really worth $529? That’s almost as valuable as BTC.

yes, but it is constantly falling. as soon as it was introduced to exchanges it was as much as $3,000+ USD. It will level out once the slow start is over.

Real value is 3000 btc, see first hours of trading in history. Btc is dust comparing to ZEC! :slight_smile:

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ok. so my $14 would be worth $1.40 when it level out? :frowning:

actually, same rig currently makes at least 2.5 times more $$ on zec vs eth and uses 27% less power.
they will have to converge on same level, otherwise zec will “steal” mining power from eth.

secondly, zec has no application right now, just speculation. reason: there are only 1581 ZEC’s in existence right now with a market cap of about $1 million.

not necessarily. it’s not possible to determine what it will be worth once the slow start ends, but it will more than likely be less than what it is now since the demand is currently high with a very low supply.

oh yeah. i stopped mining ETH already because of power consumption alone.

yep just have to wait and see.

May I suggest small additional tweak?
2>&1 redirects the STDERR also to output.txt

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I 1060-15 GTX GPU. They have already paid off for 4 months

Added this , what is the STDERR output ?

I got the same problem with bat modification

This is what I have been getting the last couple of versions of Genoil. I’ve tried platforms 0 and 1 and also tried just running one card but still no change. Any suggestion would be helpful. Running 2 AMD Radeon HD 6970s.

EDIT: So it seems my cards are a Cayman card and therefore are not supported by the software. I found out it is a TeraScale gen card so thanks for the advice fellas but I’l have to keep plugging away with my GPUs.

It’s not anything you are doing wrong, there may be changes needed by the pools or by the creator of the miner. Our only hotfix is to restart the miners when this happens.