Genoil's ZEC Miner

after some restarts, genoil.exe crashes completely here. but thanks for the batch, nice one

Yeah the pools are WAY to unstable for this miner. Genoil needs to fix this reconnect issue. Even with these loops its just not worth using this software currently.

I think Genoil miner has problem, it is not from pool, i use Ncehash zcash miner and it works stablely

What speeds you get with their miner?

here is the nh.bat i use , i added a modification to grab the worker name from the computer name to make it generic accorss all my machines

echo %host%

genoil.exe -c -u t1KyWZ8r5M6Tro16ixy4afsLnQRnbSxBwQU/%host%/ -p x -P 0 -g 0 >output.txt

echo quit >output.txt

7950,7970 ,280,280x get 20-25 Sol/s

They got that silentarmy kernel included now?

Whats the latest version?
0.3a? was very slow for 280x, I got like 11Sols

hi adaseb

genoil`s miner was very unstable at suprnova. Changed to flypool, and so far, so good :slight_smile:

Concur. I’ve been mining with genoil and flypool overnight and no problem whatsoever.

Yeah Flypool seems stable

yes, NH zcash miner slow 50% down to genoil zcminer

There is a .bat for mining Zcash Genoil for nicehash pool or Flypool?

r u sure it would work? cause “timeout /T 60 /NOBREAK >nul” is after the miner started to write output into txt… or am I missing something?

Just write it yourself.

20 charsssssssssssssss

silentarmy kernel uses an optimized blake implementation that requires a certain number of 0 bytes to be included with the nonce. So pools that require special nonces need to take that into consideration.

flypool works


Thanks for the help

what is the point of restarting? i get the same coin proportionally to hashes and not apparent valid work (blue columns). i think that blue columns are misrepresentations. i get more apparent valid shares upon restart, but the same speed of coin accumulation.

sorry, replied to a wrong post

hey guys, how can I find out what 0.02703 zec is worth?

the miner Genoil has some problems, after a couple of hours of mining, no longer recognizes a gpu, someone the same problem?