AMD Hardware GPU Questions

how stable is this on windows? i don’t like win, but tomorrow i will test

very stable. Its good to learn other OS. Try it. Claymore ask for 2.5% dev fee though. Requires a big ssd space for virtual memory. Right click on MyComputer, select Properties, select Advance System Settings, Select Settings under Performance, select Advanced on Performance Option, select Change under Virtual Memory.

Claymore requres at least 16GB but on mine I put 24GB. Its very stable.

every my rig have 120GB SSD, how you remote your windows rigs? in linux i use ssh…

Install teamviewer, VNC, Windows remote management etc etc or use Claymore Remote Manager (Ethman), it’s included with the miner software.

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That the options. If you just want to control and monitor the miner. you can use ethman. if you want to control the whole system you can use remote management built in on windows. You can also use teamviewer.

With -i 2 commutator its uo to 100 mh/s, i work with only r9 390x in my rigs

Which miner are using for mining with R9 390???
Silent Army or Claymore?

R9 390:
SA upto 100 sol/s stock. OC = 125 max.
Optimier up to 200 sol/s

How much dev fee optiminer is charging for ? Any clue

People have calculated 15% but the amount it shows in the software is your actual rate.

180 on optminer till now

do you use bios for undervolting? now i am finding reduce power consume… some tips for R9 390 OC strix a and nitro?

i have both sapphire and xfx …overclock only from software … 180 s

win 10, clymore v7, 6x stock r390, 1300H/s

  1. Which of these would be better?

As far as i can tell it’s 7000MHz vs 8000MHz and the second sounds better however if i divide per 1000MHz then cost wise per thousand it’s 28.571 vs 32.5 so the first seems to have more value if i purcashed lots?

  1. Are there any decent step by step tutorials for building a home based mining rig?

  2. Which is the best value motherboards etc that are compatible for making a rig with these cards?

  3. Are these good for mining other coins like litecoin, dogecoin and new altcoins?

  1. Non reference is better (first link) I got the XFX RX480 GTR XXX from Overclockers and they are pretty solid cards. Im running Claymore v6.0 55c @ 50% fan speed.

  2. These guys have great tutorials on youtube

  1. depends on how many cards you want to add. For 4+ you will be good with an h97 anniversary or Asrock BTC board (this is what most miners use)

  2. yes but the most profitable coins for the time being are Zcash / Zcash Classic and Ethereum (GPUs can be used for all 3)

Thanks for the help :smiley:

  1. With the h97 anniversary and Asrock BTC boards which is the best for the most possible cards?

  2. Is there any other things i need? what type of leads/cables should i get? Would i need power units and fans also? Is there any good text based getting setup guides for making mining rigs?

Which is the best rx480 gpu?
What do you think of the powercolor red devil?

thats not a very good question, best for what?
best for mining - nitro
best for gaming - XFX Black
best for price?
best for looks?

I’d say go for the cheapest Rx480 8GB version, otherwise get Rx 470 4gb for faster ROI, but less future proofing.
Zcash/eth mining doesn’t produce much heat unlike other coins, even my single fan Xfx 470 4gb runs quiet at 70 degrees, 30% fan speed, don’t spend more on fancier cards.

I suggest getting at least 1 Sapphire Nitro to play with bios mods too.