Thanks! And thank you @niko!

its kinda funny, people in claymores bitcointalk thread were dissing silentarmy… and praising claymore… yet they are using silentarmy? can anyone else confirm this?

“strings” is a linux command: strings filename

ok do you think you could check claymores linux version and confirm for me that you also see its using silentarmy?

i want to include this information in my claymore linux video. and I dont want to get it wrong. I think this is important information

hi, can you teach me how to overclock rx 480 in ubuntu pls

i see it, in zecminer64

blake2b_update(blake2b_state_t*, const uint8_t*, uint32_t, uint32_t)

thats taken from silentarmy

so I can say claymore is using silentarmy and not giving credit

that would be correct right?

Just be careful you don’t overstep without more specifics… While it looks like he may have grabbed the blake hash functions and related zcash function calls from silentarmy that does not mean he is using the solver (the actual equihash implementation) and claymore looks like he is using his miner code (the stratum, etc.)

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the hashrates are identical… maybw he created an identical miner and didn’t know about marc’s work

well he obviously knew, and its obvious the miner is not really his creation

i challenge him to release the rest of the code
he has no reason to protect an inferior miner, no one is going to copy his piece of shit

if he took all of silent army or not, he did copy some code from marc and did not give credit

@cryptomined I downloaded Claymore’s ZCash AMD GPU Miner v1.1 Beta - LINUX - Catalyst 15.12.tar.gz and inspected the binary zecminer64 (sha256 9ae829e15b2e5795cf2385d25ae2e2dccc21ec8d7d1ba4a0a1ef5677ff9647a2) and can confirm with 100% confidence that Claymore reused code from silentarmy’s blake.c file. This puts him in violation of the MIT license because although the license allows him to take and redistribute my code, the license also mandates that he includes the copyright notice (“The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 Marc Bevand…”) along with his software. But Claymore failed to include this copyright notice.

I can’t tell if he reused & copied other parts of my SILENTARMY code, like my OpenCL code or other more important parts (we should give him the benefit of doubt). However, to be frank, reusing & copying blake.c is a pretty minor “offense”. This is a small part of SILENTARMY (only 100 out of 4000 lines of code) and something that could be coded in 30 minutes.

Not sure how to deal with this license infrigement.

Details: running “strings zecminer” reveals:

n > k
hash_len <= 64
msg_len <= 128
outlen <= 64
void zcash_blake2b_init(blake2b_state_t*, uint8_t, uint32_t, uint32_t)
[void zcash_blake2b_update(blake2b_state_t*, const uint8_t*, uint32_t, uint32_t)
void zcash_blake2b_final(blake2b_state_t*, uint8_t*, uint8_t)

The first 5 lines are exactly the content of my assert() statements and constant string, in the exact order they appear in my file, and the last 3 lines/functions are exactly the names, structure names, parameters types of my implementation of Blake.

Please could you make your Nvidia miner closed source.

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In short he infringed on you so if you want to sort it out you should direct a notice of infringement to him with a request to cease the infringement. To mitigate he simply needs to do as you state, adhere to the license by posting the copyright notice, or remove the offending code.

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thank you

i hope that you can put a more strict license on your NVidia miner to prevent resuse, maybe if you can encrypt it somehow?

then after a certain amount of time you can release a public unencrypted version?

this will allow you to get the attention you want

that will come back in donations so that you may continue your Great Work

I am appreciate your work and will be sending in mining donations soon,… i have to reinstall ubuntu on one machine cause claymore messed it up and one GPU is only hashing at 5 sol/s after his miner froze up and crashed my ubuntu (his miner wont even recognize the GPU anymore

Thank you so much again for confirming this, I will be informing people as best to my abillity.

I think a start might be to ask him in a new thread on bitcoin talk why your code is used in his miner as it is, this will stir up a lot of controversy and get your name out there fast…

but you have to judge if that is a good idea or not

Thank you again and again, I will be testing out everything you do the second I get my hands on it… unfortunet that I am unable to test nerdralph with 3 instances due to having to reinstall now… im very upset as I was ready to upload a video on nerdralph and then that happened - and have since been unable to run nerdralp iwht 3 instances (just ran it with 2 in the initial screen capture)

without nerd ralph i get 320 Sols/s on 7 GPU (6 470 and 1 480)
I believe with nerdralph and 3 instances that I can get 350.

this will blow peoples mind

I second this motion
I think this is Very Very Very important.
at least for 1 month

and thanks hotmetal…

we got your back marc

350 you say, well there you go:

ZEC - Total Speed: 357.033 H/s, Total Shares: 436, Rejected: 4, Time: 00:10

i agree, marc should do all he can to protect his work and ensure it is not misused.
I feel very bad that this has happened, it makes me feel sick.

is that with 7 GPU’s?

I saw the blake stuff, too, but marc gave you the full monty, so …

And my opinion of Claymore’s integrity has fallen as fast as the ETH difficulty lately :slight_smile:

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holy shit that’s insane

yup im fixing up a video now
maybe ill do 2, a review of his linux miner, which is not going to get much praise and directed attention towards marc without this info anyways (as I was already uploading such a video and explaining to people how silent army is faster anyway without dev fee)

so maybe ill make another video and directly raise the question, how much of silent army is in claymore? and ask claymore to release all the code for inspection

and I think that would be a suitable reaction to people realizing he did take some of marcs code… i think he should show users how much of it he is now using

I doubt they will force Claymore to respond by locking the thread. mrb you should post there