Miner- Optiminer/Zcash GPU miner v1.7!

I’m probably just paranoid, but it really came out to slightly less overall than Silentarmy - I probably needed to leave it hashing for a while longer to get a more exact number. It’s a free market, devs can charge what they want, but in all honesty he should just post what it is instead of ignoring the many times that everyone’s asked what it is.

Yeah, except it’s like buying stuff in a supermarket without price tags, and be surprised at the cash desk. I hate that. Like I said, I don’t mind his devfee whatever it is, but why not be honest about it?

Based on IP traffic stats the dev fee is about 15 percent (Based on 15 min of traffic data). The fee hashes are going to an OVH server in France.


15% !!! And the author couldn’t/wouldn’t tell us that? You can have it. In the end, there will be an open source miner (SA) that will match or beat these hash rates with NO dev fee. This person is greedy, IMO.

I’m seeing a 34% increase in hash rate at the pool AFTER the dev fee is paid, I’m okay with that.

I have 3xr270’s and I’m getting 228 S/s after paying the fee, The latest silentarmy was 132, so I’m ok with the 15%

I just ran into a strange behavior:
I was running optiminer ok at 1100 coreclock, when I pass it to 1150 (witch is way under what my rx 470 can take, it’s underclocked) I have system crash. That’s not happening with other softs.
Temps are fine.
Any idea someone?

Cutting edge is expensive, I understand that. Let him have his 15% fee, he won’t have it for more than couple of days until other miners catch up, so… But what I don’t like is his silence about it. Is it so difficult to come up with statement like this?

Look guys, I’m giving you twice faster miner than anyone else. I didn’t sleep properly for 2 months working on this thing and had to spend load of money on test setups, so I decided to charge you 15% devfee. This is cutting edge tech, and you have to pay for it. If you don’t like it, don’t use my miner.

Is that a quote from somewhere or did you just make that up?

Chances are this isn’t 2 months of work. Rather built on top of a already available open source miner like SilentArmy, tweaked, and changed…

Any way to port this to windows? You would lots of windows users and lots more streaming donations if so.

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Until there’s a Win 7 version, Claymore will reign supreme. :slight_smile:


any suggestions about linux amd OC software?

3xRX470 - 4gb.
SAv5: 265-273 s/s
Optiminer: 310-330 s/s.
fee apprx 15% due to thread: 310*0.15 = 46.50; 310-46 = 264

Also doesn’t support extranonces for nh…
where is profit?:slight_smile:


Fee is calculated already of what he says so you should be getting ~310 on the pool if your hash is 310

Oh, missed that. another maths then :slight_smile:

I haven’t tested yet but of what others say software = pool.

I made it up. It’s just kind of a statement I would expect from the Optiminer guy. I don’t like secret fees is all.

To be totally honest aslong as pool side hashrate is over what Im getting now I will change clients.

Where is the windows miner ? Im lazy AF to get stuff running on Linux :stuck_out_tongue:

any suggestions about linux amd OC software?

to show the diference beetween the softs.

Note: the blanc in the middle of optiminer is a system crash when I changed core frequency.

Edit: of course it’s over several days, so with different difficulties and network hashrate.