Miner- [NiceHash] Zcash CPU/GPU for Linux and Windows

genoil 4.0 still doesn’t work… I don’t get it…

this is what I keep getting on :frowning: any advise?

nheqminer.exe -l usa -u 13ZBQtYy1HcRErp1izSAUJSAaUNMagEnMq -t 6 -od 0

Needs to be a AVX cpu. (i3, i5, i7) (high end amd) no celeron cpu will work for now.

if you have integrated graphics (like an i7 cpu will) you have to put -op 1. Otherwise it is selecting the HD graphics chipset and not your card.

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Thanks, I got confused there for a minute… I thought I’m trying the gpu version.

Well hold on it gets more confusing. You ARE running the GPU miner, but it requires a modern CPU to mine with the GPU. Doesnt make sense, but it’s a bug in the miner, not your fault. We are waiting for GENOIL to fix the issue.

still the same error :cry:

I have a i7-6700K and a Sapphire RX480 8GB. any other ideas to troubleshoot? :slight_smile:

Where do you have the miner files located?


just extracted the .zip and then cd into the folder in the terminal before running

(EDIT) you posted what i asked for already. Did you ever try with -op 1 in the config?
-OP 1 tells the miner to NOT use the intel graphics and to select the next GPU device. Mostly common with i-series processors

I did - same error :-/

maybe any rookie mistakes during the first steps? Anything else to do besides extracting the zip?

also, with just -t 6 , it’s running fine

-t 6 runs fine because it will always find your cpu. Here is what my looks after the address.

-t 6 -op 1 -od 0

you might need to play with the -od 0 to -od 1 and so on.

also make sure where you are running the extracted files have full read/write permissions if you arn’t an admin on your computer.

still not working :frowning: same error

and an administrator. just installed windows 10 today, anything I could have forgotten?

Sorry man, that’s all I got as for the hours of troubleshooting I did for my machine. You may need support from NiceHash if it still isnt working.

Having the same problem with

resolve Host not found (non-authoritative), try again later

Did you manage to solve this?

I’ve been running the windows release


and entering

nheqminer_x64_SSE2.exe -l usa -u (my btc address).

I see a lot of new jobs and ‘accepted’.
How do i check my worker progress? I have yet to receive anything to my btc wallet and it’s been a full day.

If you have an SSE2 cpu, you won’t get much. You also can’t get paid till you get $10ish. You might get $2 a day at todays rate.

May I know how long does it take for immature balance to be approved? Also, pardon my ignorance, why is it stated on the github guide of ZCash to use z-address for receiving ZCash but the t-address is used for mining?

This service is clearly ripping off users.

When you sort miners by hashrate on zcash.nicehash.com, 1000Sol/s is the fastest miner.
When you sort by shares 10 miners that have 4Khs+ (one has 26Kh/s) pop up!


because sorting uses the values regardless of the unit, a better approach would be to use real raw values and filter them with a hashrate filter on the client side, sorting would work this way