Miner- Claymore's Zcash Miner

did you use -allpools 1 command?

Anyone with asus RX 480 4gb stats please with new amd drivers ? i dont get more than 240 …

MSI/SAPPHIRE RX480: stock 235, OC 256-257 powersave around 205-210

I have 6 of these RX480 in my rig but can’t get more than 233 sols each, tried to OC with no success what settings do I need to use to get the sold higher? I am using 9.2

memory speed gives performance not core in my tests…try more with ram not with core …

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Hi - since claymore v9.x I’ve had similar issues with random GPUs not being detected, or running at very low hashs. I’ve pulled my hair out, reinstalling drivers, swapping cards, virtual memory settings, checking risers etc.
The low hash rate is temporarily fixed by plugging a monitor into that card. But always another issue on a different card.
I stumbled on a solution by looking at issues for the motherboard as that was my last unknown. Here’s what has worked for me:
In the BIOS go to the PCIe setting and change from Auto to Gen1! That fixed random lost cards and low hash rates! Hope it helps…

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you may Try 1366/1950, for sure it will give around 250-260 sols

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Thank you I will try

Thank you, I will check the Gen settings on the MB

GEN 1 already selected, and those clock settings crashed my Miner, how do I change the virtual memory?

Right click on "this pc " or “my computer” go to settings/properties – advanced settings – performance-- select custom… and change the virtual memory to above 16gb for multiple gpu rig

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I tried to sun new Claymore zcash miner on ethos and after few shares found that problem appears.
Could anyone help me with diagnose? Thank you in advance

You are best off chatting directly with ethOS support following the instructions here ethOS Mining OS

Yes but I run that on Ubuntu and I had the same problem

9.3 is out windows/linux

Have you tested this yet? Any performance increase?

Nice. lets try it out. it says it is not a performance release but can make an performance increase by 1-2%

pool.northernminers.com ← putting 1 ZEC additional to the winning prize.

light improve 6x r9 390 from 1920 to 2000H/s

What is your clock settings for r9 390?

9.3 \ r9 390 \ windows 7 - 307 H/s