Genoil's ZEC Miner

6x 370 starts mine, but after few minutes have this
zconn not accepted: job not found (21)
can anyone help?

This is a common issue, you need to restart the miner when that happens, check out my batch script which does it for you

If anybody’s interested I’ve wrote a little batch file which automatically restarts the miner when a miner quit (speed goes to 0.0S/s) or null shares is found. I’ve run this overnight and it seems to work well keeping the miner going and a little better than timed restarts as it checks the output every 5 seconds to see if an error has occurred.
There are two batch files, you need to run the first one which launches the second

@echo off
echo starting miner
if exist output.txt del output.txt
time /t
start /MIN nh.bat
timeout /T 5 /NOBREAK >nul
findstr /C:"quit" /C:"null" output.txt && (
taskkill /F /IM genoil.exe
timeout /T 1 /NOBREAK >nul
echo re-starting miner
goto loop
) || (
goto loop2

Second batch file named nh.bat

genoil.exe -c -u yourID.yourWORKER -p x > output.txt
echo quit >output.txt

Hopefully helpful for somebody


Tom there is the possibility to print the output to the screen too? Because your useful script print it in the .txt file only.

Thank you

Thanks, will give it a go.

just started my 380 rig 4\6 card mining and other have
zec-sa#1 Mining thread quitzec-sa#3clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(-4)
what means this?

Not easily as far as I can see, I did a few experiments but gave up and just opened up the txt file to check progress instead. If you want to keep the output from each run just add a move statement before the goto loop (just add a timestamp).


Hey Genoil, i am not an expert so sorry for this question :slight_smile:
Is there a way to lower the ram usage of one instance so we would be able to use two instances also with 3 gb cards? or is there a way to use computer ram for that instead of the cards? I think i remamber that claymore did that some time ago with ethereum mining?

For each card (tonga, pitcairn) separately create a binary files (first launch with param. -g 0, -g 1, etc.)
After created binaries, launch all GPU (without -g, or -g 0 1 2 3 4, etc.)

i wil lgive that a try :slight_smile: any chance you still can output what the miner does? ^^
I wont open the txt all the time?

I seem to get an Access Denied error when running your batch :confused:

GPUs also appear to be haning:

Run ur created bat file as admin;
@TomDDG @ghironet u can use free program as BareTail - > open output.txt


Looks like you need to run as admin as Miczysko mentioned. On my computer it didn’t require this level of elevation but guess it varies dependent on what type of user you are

Real men always logged in as admin…

1 Like

lol :joy: - my bad, clearly I’ve spent too much time rebooting my rig these last few days


When working through directly, an error on extranonce.subscription #xnsub

Fix can only patch
Mining software developers are welcome to take a look at our mining source codes at · GitHub and include patches for extranonce.subscription into their mining software.

Thank you

One of my cards went down to 0.0S/s and script didn’t restart the miner. I guess it will restart miner only when all cards go to null ?

i’m getting a warning seem to be sending a lot of invalid shares on supanova???

I’ve had this as well, my script only checks for errors like stale shares or the miner quit. What I noticed is if my miner goes to 0.0S/s without either of these errors it either starts again when it gets a new job or the miner crashes upon which it will restart using the script. If you find it doesn’t then let me know if you see a message before the 0.0S/s and I can add it to the check list

It is also worth mentioning that the script is very simple and literally checks the whole output.txt file each time for two keywords “quit” or “null”. If any of the gpus produce this message it will restart the whole miner