Genoil's ZEC Miner

Nice work! Unhappily it is making my terminal crash on Windows 8.1
Would love to help you debug it.
How can I do?

This is what I’m getting with 1,5,6,7,8

anybody can run this on 280x ?

nope. sadly not. i tried.

1 Like

Order books for ZECBTC and ZECUSD are now open and accepting bids. Deposit wallets have also been enabled.

sorry ZEC not enabled for Deposit wallet

Which Exchange may I ask?

Bitfinex getting ready to rock

Kraken allo open ZEC

why i have this problem???

On genoil’s 0.32
but now 22.3 h\s …

new problems…

and one more new

win10 r9 390x 0.3.2 crashes

same problem same os same gpu

280x doesnt work for me, tried all starts. ideas?

This sucks… I have plenty of 7970’s, r9 280s and r9 380’s in my rigs!

Where is support? Someone help?

Not working on Windows 7 ultimate with R9 290 0.3.2
I am able to run test 1,2,3 the others including start.bat crash inmediatly.
Now I am not a pro at this stuff so I have no idea if any of this makes sense but if I look at the zcashclient miner then I see it has 4 kernel files 2 with and 2 with x.h your miner has 3 of those files. Maybe the problem are those kernels? My computer never reches the ‘loading binary kernels’ state so not sure about that… Also I am able to run that zcashclient miner, only to see that that dude configured the miner for one single pool and no way of connecting to the suprnova pool.

Can you send a link for this driver ? I only find 16.10 version

Total fail. flashes terminal for a second, disappears. Then nothing. Suggestions?

I have Ellesmere and do ~15 S/s have runing for 4 h NP…

But: NiceHash error: Not using extranonce.subscribe. Mining performance is degraded ?

/ Nimos