Zchain | Zcash Block Explorer (Beta)

@rodd No, the explorer was resynced last night, should be back to normal now.

Advanced network statistics, hashrate over time, public/shielded value split, and miner distribution graphs now up at explorer.zcha.in/statistics!

Do u have any plan to offer blockchain.info type Zcash wallet?

Somethings seems wrong… Are you updating to 1.0.2 ?

@trolloniex Are you seeing blocks that look out of date? Refresh the page once or twice; you probably have cached DNS records.

I refreshed a few times but still see blocks at 3 days ago. Using private browsing shows the correct stats though… Thanks!

@trolloniex Half the world seems to ignore DNS TTLs completely…

I’m upgrading another node to 1.0.2, yes - in fifteen minutes or so your regular browser should be back to normal.

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I think it’s worth showing more currencies (for example, euros, GBP, etc.) to the Price section on the main page, so you dont have to go to other webs to see it


Please add a rich list for transparent addys.

Various sync bugs have been fixed, if you had missing transactions on Zchain they should show up now.

Always a good idea to consult multiple sources - there’s another block explorer at https://zcash.blockexplorer.com/.

Dealing with some daemon issues at the moment; stale API data seems to be a cause of confusion, so I’ve disabled the API temporarily.

Honestly, it would be great for Zcash if someone with more time and a faster response rate than me were to maintain the explorer - if anyone’s interested and has some technical background, let me know, glad to hand off the code, domains etc. You could even try to make money (I never have, but there’s lots of traffic).

I’ve got in touch with @anon47418038 again and we may redirect Zchain to the Insight node, which should be able to scale better. I’ll see if I can port the statistics.

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Several community members expressed interest in keeping the explorer as-in running - unfortunately I don’t personally have the time to maintain / improve upon it, but if anyone is interested in taking it over that would be great for Zcash!

Full source code: GitHub - lustr0/zchain: Zchain Explorer Source Code

Please PM me or reply here if interested; I’m glad to hand over the domain to a capable maintainer for continuity (so all links will continue to work).

Bitfly (behind etherchain.org) has graciously taken over operation of Zchain - and fixed a few bugs to boot! The transition is already completed (seamlessly, no explorer users experienced any downtime).

Please direct future explorer-related queries to them.

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We are happy to announce the long overdue redesign of our Zcash block explorer zcha.in. The site now features a clean and mobile ready interface. As a next step we plan to significantly improve our statistics module in order to provide detailed insights on the usage of the Zcash network.