ZCash Stratum proxy (Increase earning up to 10%)

@PistoleDev Zm cuda miner is DStm lol :joy:


Lol :joy::sweat_smile: well good to know it was kind of hard find anything related to ZM miner. Thats why ! :sweat_smile:

when do you think nicehash pool is being supported?

@PistoleDev It is possible to use line
If (data.error = ā€˜Invalid solutionā€™ process.exit(1)); }
else { logger.log("Work from " + this.name + " " + chalk.red("rejected: " + data.error[1]));

I found out, it will proxy even if the data.error message is Rejected ā€œNo job foundā€ in case of block found. I need just exit if Invalid solution

just a question. I really want that nicehash pool is being supported, because I have many gpuā€™s that will most use the equihash miner.

nicehash will use stratum pools. I donā€™t really understand what the difference is between a stratum and a ā€œnormalā€ pool is.
Should a this proxy benefit while using it on a stratum pool?

Nicehash has itā€™s own pool, mining software that is changing with every release.
That means no one will play with settings to use it with nicehash sorry

Hi ladies and gentlemen
Just pushed a new version of zecproxy

Zecproxy v1.0.7

Changelog :
Robustness improvements, especially on software stability & pool reconnection system
(reco delay can be changed in config.json file)

ā€œOn Rejected sharesā€ strategies, allowing you to choose how to treat them: ignore them / reconnect (by the software) / kill the process (and hard restart thanks to pm2) ).

Find here the ā€œnewā€ config.json entries :


  • all configs in file config.json to change settings.
  "wallet": "<Your wallet>",
  "password" : "<Pool password or just 'x'>",
  "port": <Proxy port>,
  "proxy_name" : "<Proxy default name>" (shown on the pool if enable_worker_id set to false),
  "enable_worker_id": true|false (send worker name to the pool or not), 
  "pool" : { "host" : "<HOST>"  , "port" : <PORT>, "ssl" : true|false },
  "pool_failover_enabled": true|false,
  "pool_failover" : [  { "host" : "<HOST>"  , "port" : <PORT>, "ssl" : true|false },
                       { "host" : "<HOST>"  , "port" : <PORT>, "ssl" : true|false },
                       { "host" : "<HOST>"  , "port" : <PORT>, "ssl" : true|false }],
  "restart_delay": <delay before restarting the proxy on error>,
  "on_rejected_share": {
                      "strategy" : "<On Rejected Share strategy>" (continue / kill / restart),
                      "threshold" : <number of rejected shares before applying strategy>
  "debug" : true|false

On Rejected Share strategies :

  • continue : ignore and continue
  • restart : Restart the proxy (without pm2)
  • kill : Kill the process (hard restart using pm2)

Enjoy !

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@Linda youā€™ll love it i hope :slight_smile:

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but I want to modify it and I want it and Iā€™m pretty sure iā€™m not the only one, becuase it could boost your money with 10-20%.
and with the latest release of zecproxy it can be done and Iā€™m now test it

That config format looks terrible. I use https://www.json2yaml.com/ to format JSON and YAML.

  "wallet": "<Your wallet>",
  "password": "<Pool password or just 'x'>",
  "port": "<Proxy port>",
  "proxy_name": "<Proxy default name>",
  "enable_worker_id": "true|false",
  "pool": {
    "host": "<HOST>",
    "port": "<PORT>",
    "ssl": "true|false"
  "pool_failover_enabled": "true|false",
  "pool_failover": [
      "host": "<HOST>",
      "port": "<PORT>",
      "ssl": "true|false"
      "host": "<HOST>",
      "port": "<PORT>",
      "ssl": "true|false"
      "host": "<HOST>",
      "port": "<PORT>",
      "ssl": "true|false"
  "restart_delay": "<delay before restarting the proxy on error>",
  "on_rejected_share": {
    "strategy": "<On Rejected Share strategy>",
    "threshold": "<number of rejected shares before applying strategy>"
  "debug": "true|false"

@PistoleDev almost there :slight_smile: nice code just I want to kill it in case if data.error != Invalid solution

ā€œon_rejected_shareā€: {
ā€œstrategyā€ : ā€œrestartā€,
ā€œreject_nameā€ : ā€œInvalid solutionā€

In miner:
if(config.on_rejected_share != null){
case ā€œInvalid Solutionā€:
if (data.error === ā€˜Invalid Solutionā€™) {
process.exit(1); }

At the moment I can setup the kill in case threshold > ā€œnumberā€ and kill. :wink:
But I like to work with exact name error data.error[1].
I see in line
{ if else (data.error && data.error.length > 1) {
And I like
{ if else (data.error && data.error.result === 'Invalid solution" { Not sure if I can use it like this or (data.error && ??? === ā€œInvalid solutionā€


Good luck with that they have excavator server that is in version 2.0 probably reading from their server = target share difficulty, pool name. Adding your wallet from local config. And if you set it up wrongly in proxy it will start rejecting shares = low difficulty = higher % ban ip for 10 minutes.

yes you are right about that, but you forgot that the lagacy miner is still beign updated. and there is more work being done on the legacy and the 2.0

Iā€™m not using nicehash at all. I call nicehash mining for dummies lol :joy: I install it just time to time if somebody want it and struggling with Norton and want it in working stateā€¦

okay well I donā€™t have 1000 gpuā€™s but I know a good amount about mining.
the reason Iā€™m going with nicehash is because Iā€™m just mining for profit in the short term to payof my electric,gas,water and tv/internet bill

As I said good luck with that to make it working with nicehash. They developed that software how they want it to get quality shares from miners. After few 10 minutes ban you can receive 24h ban and so on.

Have anyone tried this on zpool.guru? I see from the comments that flypool gives errors so thinking of changing pools from flypool and give this proxy a try but in the process I would also like to ise a newly launched pool

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Thank you for your interest in our pool! I can confirm that we support this proxy software and that we have users connected this way. We do not see why we should not. Every hash connected to our pool, no matter how and for how long, supports all users on our pool. We pay rewards proportionally, hence this is fair to everyone.

I confirm that zecproxy works with zpool.guru (tried on eu1 server).

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Thanks after almost 2 hours I finally got the proxy to work on Raspbian raspberry pi 3 thanks to old comments from Linda that stated the commands to install json v7 perhaps update the readme to include that for future users. But so far so good connected 2 miners to proxy and zpool.guru and if all goes fine will be connecting my other 3. Thanks for the software. Then for future if a new proxy version comes out how do I update?