Zcash gets a mention!

Now his partner goes even further. Wow, those old geezers really have a chip on their shoulder when it comes to Bitcoin. Reverse psychology, how would that work out – they actually want to encourage people to buy btc? I doubt it. Peculiar nevertheless. Most people would probably be better off spending their money on Btc rather than on the unhealthy old coke, even if they would happen to loose all those coins.

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He is old and cranky probably, but Berkshire Hathaway isn’t what it is because of that, idk
Seems like if there wasnt something to it, why would he say anything at all? Its having hard enough time at 10k, idk

Yes. My thoughts exactly. Maybe he is using Bitcoin to promote himself as media will cover him more if he talks about Btc. But being a billionaire why would he give a shit about media and promotion. Well I guess we will never know. Haha.

He knows most cryptocurrency users are milenials and saying all that,
Edit- studying groups of people and inferring a likelihood from past happenings and leveraging that knowledge to achieve a desired result?
Its going around

I don’t think they comprehend how cryptocurrencies work and don’t want to learn. Buffett already mentioned previously that putting money into cryptos is more akin to gambling than investing. Bitcoin has appreciated in value every year since it was created. That is not a gamble that is an investment if you hold for the long term. I thought Buffett invested long term? I don’t have much respect for his intellect or judgement and believe he must have made his money by being lucky more so than being a product of his intelligence. Him being a democrat is not surprising since he dislikes something that is not centralized.

couple endorsements from people i have respect for https://twitter.com/AmirPolyteknik/status/993855081576648706
always enjoy seeing zcash get a little love

WEISS CRYPTOCURRENCY RATINGS: Beware of Fork (Zcash) Coins; Cardano, EOS, NEO https://smartereum.com/13679/weiss-cryptocurrency-ratings-beware-forks-zcash-bitcoin-cardano-eos-neo-commendable/
even weiss ratings people know zcash forks are bad news:
“The ratings added forks of ZCash—ZClassic, Bitcoin Private—and bitcoin Prime a fork of Prime Coin to its list of imitation coins to avoid.”

(zcash included!!!)

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Edit- postponed!

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This goes with this

I haven’t read it all but looks fascinating
(Long and short - once its sent to a z address, dont send it back to a t address)

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Pretty cool

Amber Baldet, I bet she’s pretty nice

“Winklevoss Brothers Bitcoin Exchange Adds Zcash, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash”

Zcash Analysis – Two days changed everything

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Take 2!

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Zcash (ZEC/USD) Price Analysis 24.05

She is cool, i knew it :star:

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