Z-NOMP(Node Open Mining Portal) (READY FOR TESTING)

i can provide acces to this virtual - this is only testing machine for fix this error


What settings did you turn off for solomining. Tell me more?

We have a solo mining proxy now, derived from Z-NOMP:

Iā€™m asking about z-nomp (Node Open Mining Portal) - What settings did you turn off for solomining.

I turned off:

ā€œbanningā€, ā€œwebsiteā€, ā€œtlsOptionsā€, ā€œpaymentProcessingā€, ā€œp2pā€, and ā€œmposModeā€. Thereā€™s still a lot of functionality running that is of no benefit for solo, though, like ā€œsharesā€, for instance.

If you are getting checksum errors, make sure

is empty if youā€™re not using it

Yes, there was one more rewardRecipiants which was empty

thank you so much !!

Can i ask, how the z-nomp works? if the block is found, it will automaticly count and pay reward to taddress of z-nomp and pay the fees to all connected workers ?

Having the same issue. Were you able to find the solution?

Hey everyone, this is most likely not an issue and more likely me being a noob lol.

I have set up my z-nomp mining pool and everything is working great (thanks for creating this!), but on the ā€œGraph Statsā€ no ā€œZcash Network Statsā€ are being displayed. Any ideas to this? Iā€™ve search around and cant seem to find a solution to this.

My miners are mining Zcash, but the .json being used is zclassic.json, is that correct? This is however pointing to ā€œcoinā€: ā€œzcash.jsonā€,

I dont have p2p enabled as not sure on how to set it up. Enabled it before then edited the zclassic.json to have ā€œpeerMagicā€: ā€œfbc0b6dbā€, but just got a lot of errors when trying to run npm.

Also is their a command to check what block your pool / miners are currently working on?

Thanks in advance,


Can someone point to what I need to look at for this pool error? Iā€™m just not seeing it. Payment is working and daemon is loaded.

2017-05-26 12:14:17 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 1) Share processing setup with redis (
2017-05-26 12:14:17 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 1) getblocktemplate call failed for daemon instance 0 with error {ā€œcodeā€:-9,ā€œmessageā€:ā€œZcash is not connected!ā€}
2017-05-26 12:14:17 [Pool] [zclassic] (Thread 1) Error with getblocktemplate on creating first job, server cannot start

help me
if (!payload) throw new Error(ā€˜Invalid checksumā€™)

help me:

root@pool01:/home/pool/zcash/znomp# npm start

z-nomp@0.0.4 start /home/pool/zcash/znomp
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$PWD/node_modules/stratum-pool/node_modules/equihashverify/build/Release/:$PWD/node_modules/equihashverify/build/Release/ node init.js

2017-08-04 11:58:35 [POSIX] [Connection Limit] (Safe to ignore) POSIX module not installed and resource (connection) limit was not raised
2017-08-04 11:58:35 [Master] [CLI] CLI listening on port 17117
2017-08-04 11:58:35 [PPLNT] [zcash] TimeShare processing setup with redis (
2017-08-04 11:58:35 [Payments] [zcash] zcash requireShielding: true
2017-08-04 11:58:35 [Payments] [zcash] zcash minConf: 10
2017-08-04 11:58:35 [Payments] [zcash] zcash payments txfee reserve: 0.0004
2017-08-04 11:58:35 [Payments] [zcash] zcash maxBlocksPerPayment: 3
2017-08-04 11:58:35 [Payments] [zcash] zcash PPLNT: false, time period: 0.51
2017-08-04 11:58:35 [Payments] [zcash] Payment processing setup with daemon (CRossini_Zcash@ and redis (
2017-08-04 11:58:35 [Website] [Server] Website started on
2017-08-04 11:58:36 [Switching] [Setup] (Thread 1) Loading last proxy state from redis
2017-08-04 11:58:36 [Pool] [zcash] (Thread 1) Share processing setup with redis (
if (string.length === 0) return Buffer.allocUnsafe(0)

TypeError: Cannot read property ā€˜lengthā€™ of undefined
at decodeUnsafe (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/base-x/index.js:52:15)
at Object.decode (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/base-x/index.js:80:18)
at Object.decode (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/bs58check/index.js:44:23)
at Object.fromBase58Check (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib-zcash/src/address.js:8:27)
at Object.exports.createGeneration (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/transactions.js:97:52)
at new BlockTemplate (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/blockTemplate.js:43:35)
at JobManager.processTemplate (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/jobManager.js:150:32)
at /home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/pool.js:588:66
at itemFinished (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/daemon.js:155:36)
at /home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/daemon.js:169:17
2017-08-04 11:58:36 [Master] [PoolSpawner] Fork 0 died, spawning replacement workerā€¦
2017-08-04 11:58:36 [Switching] [Setup] (Thread 2) Loading last proxy state from redis
2017-08-04 11:58:36 [Pool] [zcash] (Thread 2) Share processing setup with redis (
if (string.length === 0) return Buffer.allocUnsafe(0)

TypeError: Cannot read property ā€˜lengthā€™ of undefined
at decodeUnsafe (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/base-x/index.js:52:15)
at Object.decode (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/base-x/index.js:80:18)
at Object.decode (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/bs58check/index.js:44:23)
at Object.fromBase58Check (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/bitcoinjs-lib-zcash/src/address.js:8:27)
at Object.exports.createGeneration (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/transactions.js:97:52)
at new BlockTemplate (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/blockTemplate.js:43:35)
at JobManager.processTemplate (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/jobManager.js:150:32)
at /home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/pool.js:588:66
at itemFinished (/home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/daemon.js:155:36)
at /home/pool/zcash/znomp/node_modules/stratum-pool/lib/daemon.js:169:17
2017-08-04 11:58:36 [Master] [PoolSpawner] Fork 1 died, spawning replacement workerā€¦
2017-08-04 11:58:36 [Master] [PoolSpawner] Spawned 1 pool(s) on 4 thread(s)
2017-08-04 11:58:36 [Switching] [Setup] (Thread 3) Loading last proxy state from redis
2017-08-04 11:58:36 [Pool] [zcash] (Thread 3) Share processing setup with redis (
if (string.length === 0) return Buffer.allocUnsafe(0)

I just can not get this to work, I always get a CONN refused when trying to connect the pool to the windows deamon. I have modified the conf on the deamon, and entered the details into the config.json file in the pools directory with no avail

my deamon config


From my experience running z-nomp, the wallet had to be running on the same machine and I believe it only works under Linux. I could be wrong, but I could never get it to work otherwise personally.

Bummer, I dont like running deamons under linux

While it is a bummer, itā€™s also a good security measure as well. Data doesnā€™t have to be sent over a network or the Internet and stays local.

I am just compiling now on linux to give it a go.

1 Like

I get connection refused on linux machine also

2017-10-12 15:01:38 [Pool] [bitcoinz] (Thread 2) Could not start pool, erro r with init batch RPC call: {ā€œtypeā€:ā€œofflineā€,ā€œmessageā€:ā€œconnect ECONNREFUSED 12ā€}