Step by step: Ubuntu 16.04, AMD-pro driver, rock solid optiminer 1.4.0

I have determined that the stability issue with 7 GPU’s IS a problem with XFX cards, possibly with the MSI mobo or the Nitro Sapphire GPU’s. I have one 7 GPU rig that has been stable for quite some time and another that refuses to run stable with more than 6 GPU’s. The stable rig was all Nitro Sapphire RX480’s and the unstable rig had 4 XFX RX480 and 3 Nitro Sapphire’s. I moved one XFX card to the stable rig and it has now become unstable (even with the XFX card in a x16 slot). The weird part was it took a couple of weeks of running before it became very unstable. If I move that same XFX card to a Asrock mobo or put it in a 6 GPU rig it runs stable, so its not the GPU itself but an interaction with the other hardware.

So the brand mobo and GPU combinations are critical for 7 GPU stability. If I buy 3 more XFX cards I can test a rig with all same brand and type GPU and determine if it is the actual XFX cards, mixing in the Nitro Sapphire cards, or certain mobo’s like certain brands of GPU’s.

Sounds like you have it sussed, pretty much. All I can say is I’m glad I built my farm with the “normal” 6 GPUs per rig. There are enough stability issues to deal with as it is. :slight_smile:

I have been trying this out and got stuck at

step 5, where is the file that I’m to scp to the destination computer?

Also, step 5 $sudo usermod -a -G video (user) … I have no group called video; should I create that group?

Thanks in advance,

I got the video group to show, it was my lack of experience. I have it up and runing but learning how to work the mods.


Sorry for the delay in my response,
The is your script you have written to start your miner (or use the default one that comes with optiminer or Claymore).

If you have no Video group, then you have not installed the AMD drivers. The driver install creates the Video group (you may need to log out and back in / reboot).