Price Speculation

After everything that is happening with zcash I see a bright future ahead of us(i have a bullish feeling). I was wondering if anyone feels the same. Do you guys think we can reach ATH by end of the year?


Bittrex has a new pairing, TUSD (true usd), new one for me, must be part of their new USD implementation

is it like Tether again about 1 unit = 1 USD? I guess so, but just asking

Yea I think it is a different form of a “tether” which makes sense given the controversy surrounding tether coin but idk if thats their reasoning, exciting though, i really like Bittrex

Edit- although I really don’t think it’s necessary,
if the dev would like to reach out to accelerate a Zcash USD trading pair, there’s a support ticket specifically for coin team

I didn’t had yet time to look into the TUSD currency. After it’s again a stable coin, it must be backed up again with USD in my opinion. As Tether is claiming. If there is no audit or other garantee i can’t see any difference to Tether at all.
Did anybody check yet how that TUSD is backed up/insuranced?

Heres the FAQ
Sorry I keep meaning to hit your little reply Arrow!

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Most of the written sounds like Thether, just the escrow part seems to be different.

What i miss is a clear reference to what bank and who did an audit and who is observing all that. Without that information for me it’s just a blank paper, nothing more, nothing less. Of i could miss something…
This link describes the usage of trusts, refers to them as audited monthly though you may have to request that
Also their legal partnerships seem fairly stellar,
WilmerHale and White & Case
Idk, I like Zcash, what are we even talking about?! Lol!
Edit- an excerpt
The trustee is chosen by you, the client, from an open, distributed marketplace of freely-competing professional fiduciaries (instead of centralizing asset management to a private, unaudited startup, the way that LAToken or Bankex do).
The US financial law system and modern fiduciary industry have strong incentives to maintain high fiduciary trustworthiness. These include the credentialing process to become a professional fiduciary, plus the threat of imprisonment, charges for damages, and loss of career.
Edit- im skeptical the same way, too many double standards out there, but assumption is how I stuck my foot in my mouth about the GDPR, gotta read
Double standard - say one thing, DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT!

I find the concept of trust to be antithetical to cryptos.

That raises the question if Stablecoins that pretend to be fixed/backuped by US$ or even gold are indeed cryptos, a hybrid or something else, not?

Pinning or comparing cryptocurrency valuations to fiat is a wasteful exercise at best, one that only has any meaning in the short term. Gold is worth whatever it is worth and so is bitcoin. We can agree that you and I can trade my car for x units of ZEC without the need to compare the value of ZEC or the car to USD. The value of either WRT fiat is a convenience, but the real value of either is based on the parties’ need and time.

I think the exchanges are not in the best interest of cryptos for the long term and only serve to fuel the greed of the speculators and manipulators…though all of this is really a discussion for another time.


Thats why I like you @phakov, pure dissonance (and remember, dissent is the highest form of patriotism)

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BOOM! And because

"About Us

Zcash Community Store is wholly owned by and is not operated by Zerocoin Electric Coin Company. Zcash Community Store is officially licensed to sell Zcash brand products. ZCASH, Internet Money, and the ZCASH logos are trademarks of Zerocoin Electric Coin Company LLC. All rights reserved. This store is GDPR compliant please see our Privacy Policy "


i didn’t find an option to pay with Zcash for the items, do i miss something?

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Aside from credit, and coinbase commerce ( we know what coins they support), theres and these are the supported coins

New SEC digital asset czar

Same for Zcash, it almost follows the price
But, look whos searching the most (day, week, month, year)
(Multi thread mystery thickeners :thinking:)
Edit- so I was thinking population but the other big coins (eth,btc,xmr) arent the same main searcher…
I dont suppose these search analytics represent mining? :face_with_monocle:
(Probably not (???), population maybe, btc banned?
Past 7 days

Past 1 day, it looks like you can tell when they all go to bed!

Theyll be getting up soon…

In short, no, I am not feeling very bullish for ZEC right now. It’s already June, we should have seen some movement already. Movement will come soon, but the longer it takes to start, the lower the target price will be. Basically things could start moving at any time, but they will stop moving by mid-month following the half-year marks (so mid January and mid July). This is when people who were influenced by the half-year have burned out their steam and they relax for a couple more months.
The December/January build-up was great but that started at the end of October/mid-November. For anything like that to happen in June/July we would have had to see movement already.

The reasons we haven’t seen movement are all the same reasons I’m not confident we will.

Oh…and a side note…ZEC fell another 2 spots to 25th place on overall market cap. Meaning those things that are holding back the overall market from taking off are impacting ZEC even more. I can be optomistic about price slipping, but market rank is a painful one to see slip. We might not see movement for ZEC again until September with Sapling.

If we pushed ATH in the next 12 months my money would be on January again. So basically, no, I don’t think we will hit ATH this calendar year.

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Does anybody know where the extra $500 billion came from last year and why it left?

Two main items…

  • ICOs peaked then fell off significantly (largely regulated or outright prohibited in developed countries)
  • Hype leading up to the launch of futures trading (and the drop-offs all coincided with major futures dates)

Probably throw in a half-dozen others (like the Bitconnect blow-up) but those first two probably account for 75% or more of it. Those two drove the general pubic interest up, but as you can see from the google results, interest is way down.
Another reason I am not feeling bullish, we should see movement in web searches for crypto (mainly bitcoin) before the market starts moving again.

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Not looking too good