Mining GPU's and Pricing

As Originally reported by @cryptomined a good 10 days before it was released to the public, here is a link about the cards and pricing for mining only GPU’s Click Me

Not too sure how true it is but I’ve read that they’re only selling to big wholesale buyers such as Genesis mining. I suspect there will be a somewhat large minimum card purchase.

I just wouldn’t “wait” for these as it’s too early to tell.

coincidence? I think not.

I already pre ordered 30 gp106 gigabytes
i wonder what they will look like

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How does one pre-order them already? scratches head

I’m working with my distributors here in the states attempting to pre-order/order some as well. I think i am going to to the 104-100 version.

i think 104 comes out about a month after 106? that was a guess i was told by someone anyways…
ill probbaly pre order some of those also when I get a chance.

@FrozenMANGO well @cryptomined can pre order them because he knows people, he was the one that originally broke the news about the mining GPU’s here on the forums a good 10 days before it was on the internet.

I personally had a conversation with my distributors and Nvidia today(its really cool to say I was on a conference call with Nvidia LOL), a lot of information about the Mining GPU cards. It was a GREAT 28 minute call!

Currently they are only licensed to the companies MSI and I think ASus(sorry my notes are at work)

They WILL NOT be sold retail
They WILL NOT be sold E-tail

P104-100 WILL NOT be sold in the US; P104-100 will be sold in the China and EU , You can get them, but they have to be purchased in China or EU and shipped out.

P106-100 will be sold everywhere, but only from a direct distributer
The cards will be made to order, in 1000 unit lots, (if I have 500 prepaid GPU orders I will place an order :sunny: ) with a 4-6 week lead time.

The sku’s don’t exist yet in the US for the P106-100 until next week, so I won’t know until next week if there are others out there I can partner with on an order.

No idea on real pricing, yet

cool :slight_smile: I hear gp104 is being made now, maybe another month on that one.

Still planning on the 104-100?

If I can get a hold of them, yes. however of course @cryptomined will have done a couple of video blogs about them, along with a full writeup that will expand to every crypto forum in the world before I ever touch one

is someone is making a mass order, I would like to commit to 2, possibly 3. 106-100’s

interested as well. How do we get them

Please keep us posted. I would definitely be ordering between 6-12 units