EWBF's NVidia CUDA Zcash miner 1060 - 170 h/s gtx 1070 - 250 h/s

Has anyone been able to run (7) gtx 1070’s successfully from a single motherboard? I don’t seem to have a problem with my AMD cards, but my 1070’s are giving me a headache. I can run (6) cards no problem, but (7) doesn’t seem to be possible.

Help is much appreciated!

maybe look at MSI Z170 7 GPU BIOS Setting step by step

What kind of issue are you getting exactly? PCI-to-PCI bridge?

I went pretty deep down that rabbit hole - the 8GB of memory on those cards won’t allow any more than 6 on 1 motherboard. You can get 7 to run if you limit the memory of each card to 3.5GB, but when you factor mining speed and cost it’s actually cheaper to buy another mobo, RAM, proc, etc. and start building the next rig. Hope this helps.

With the new version I get a windows 10 message “an application was trying to access your GPU and was blocked”. Couldn’t click the notification open so I don’t know where to go in windows to unblock this. Could anyone advise? First guess would be windows defender as the culprit.

I am on win10 and I have never received this message

Version 0.3.2b.

EWBF’s Zcash cuda miner.
Expected speeds 435 sols/s gtx1070. 295 gtx1060 6G. Stock settings.
Writen for pascal gpus but works on cards with at least 1Gb memory, and Compute Capability 2 and higher.
Miner contain dev fee 2%.

Version 0.3.2b
Increased speed up to 2%, depends on card model. some cards not give any speed changes.
Reduced gpu memory usage.
Improved stability.

I have the 1080’s and if I start it then stop, I have to restart the system or I also get this message

Version 0.3.3b
Added option --pec power efficiency calculator.
Added option --fee developer fee control.
Use miner --help command for more information.

miner --server zec.suprnova.cc --user abc.123 --pass x --port 2142 --eexit 3 --tempunits C --templimit 78 --solver 0 --fee 2 --pec
goto loop


Have you tried to run using two cards? although it shows there are two cards in the system using GPU-Z, it only shows GPU 0 is mining. I used the latest driver for 1070

if you have 2 1070 you should have the same output results.

See the output for gtx 1070

Sorry, the power cable was lose, so it won’t work. I thought there are some special settings or driver version requirement. It works great now. Thanks for your excellent work.

That darn power cable, if I had a … :zcash:

I am a layman to cyber currency. It’s my first time to use NVIDIA card mining. I noted the hash rate units under AMD GPU and NVIDIA GPU are different. What’s the exchange rate of H/S to Sol/S then?

My source for this information is user str4d (of the Zcash Team), this is a copy and paste for your reading pleasure.

Sol/s measures the rate at which Equihash solutions are found. Each one of those solutions is tested against the current target (after adding to the block header and hashing), in the same way that in Bitcoin each nonce variation is tested against the target. That is what we mean by Sol/s === H/s - they are measuring the same thing, and it is the same metric that everyone already uses for other PoW algorithms. Put another way, measuring Sol/s in Zcash is exactly the same as measuring TH/s in Bitcoin (ignoring the “T” scaling factor, which is merely a product of the relative speeds of the PoWs and the relative numbers of miners).

The problem with using H/s is not that the base metric is wrong, but that there are several metrics that could be picked, only one of which is the same as what users expect. In the screenshot above, NiceHash have incorrectly picked the metric “Equihash runs/s” as equivalent to H/s, leading to user confusion (because users will look at that and compare it internally to Bitcoin’s TH/s). By using “Solutions/s”, it is completely unambiguous to both miner developers and pool developers which metric it means, and it ensures that users are getting the “right” metric.

I’m getting 480-490 Sol/s on titan x maxwell. +270 core +500 mem

It’s lower than 1080?

Just reporting some stats. Using latest version (0.3.2b) with a GTX 1060 and getting ~300 Sol/s with clock offset at 200. Keeps the temp around 72C and using around 120W of power.

I have tested 1080 TI, i think some optimization are needed, you can not leave with default fan speed, power limit value, is going over 80C, you get about 700Sol

In order to work I have changed power limit to 70% fan speed 55%

GPU0 1080 TI

WALL power usage with current config :

Rig photo:

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