4 new topic and people begin to speak the truth

Hi all.

I want Zooko had read it… Really want it “I SEO bitch” heard the community .

I want to go back to 2 years ago. When only just begun the Zerocoin project. Remember then on the website of the project was the donation plugin is on the development of the project?
I was just asking nothing sacrificed ~0,34 of bitcoin(I do NOT feel SORRY and I have no regrets!!!).
A week in Twitter Matthew green posted a photo of the Banquet…

I remember when I started the project was supervised ONLY Matthew green and Ian Miers(HE WROTE the CODE!)

What I saw 2 weeks ago is a code which have not been modified for over half a year(!!!).

I have a question on what Zooko and command those whom I see for the first time not counting Matthew green and Ian Miers spent 750 000$ of investment(the investors of which no one knows) in the draft!??!?!

Zooko you’ll kill the project! The CIA will only be happy(((
Zooko tell me about yourself at all! On Wikipedia I can write about anyone article. Why you do the things you won’t accept the community?
Zooko give you the action?

I transfer the project back into control Matthew green and Ian Miers!!!

Привет всем.

Я хочу что-бы Zooko прочел это сообщение… Очень хочу что-бы он “I SEO bitch” услышал - сообщество .

Я хочу вернуться на 2 года назад. Когда только начался проект Zerocoin. Помните тогда на сайте проекта был плагин доната на развитие проекта?
Я тогда просто не требуя ничего пожертвовал ~0,34 биткоинта(МНЕ ИХ НЕ ЖАЛКО и я не жалею!!!).
Через неделю в твитере Мэтью Грина было выложено фото банкета…

Я помню когда начинался сам проект его курировал ЛИШЬ Метью Грин и Ian Miers(ОН ПИСАЛ КОД!!!)

То что я увидел 2 недели назад - это код который не модифицировался более полугода(!!!).

У меня вопрос на что Zooko и команда тех кого я вижу в первый раз не считая Метью Грин и Еан Меерс потратила 750 000$ инвестиций(От инвесторов которых никто не знает) в проект!??!?!

Zooko ты убьешь проект!!! ЦРУ будет только радо(((
Zooko расскажи о себе вообще! В википедии я сам могу написать о ком угодно статью. Почему ты делаешь то что не примет сообщество?
Zooko отдаешь ли ты себе отчет в действиях?

Я за передачу проекта обратно в управление Метью Грину и Ену Меерсу!!!


Ian Miers here:
Matt and I are still very heavily involved and committed to the project. But taking a rather complex academic work and delivering a working open sourced piece of software is something that needs a massive amount of work. Matt and I realized we couldn’t do it on our own (after stubbornly trying for a while). So we approached Zooko, who has both the technical knowledge to deliver it, the managerial ability to put together the team of engineers we need, and the business chops to get them paid. And so now we are actually making serious progress. There is a released alpha and the team’s done a fantastic job taking the pile of code I gave them for the bitcoin side of things and doing a real integration into the bitcoin codebase. Going forward, we do need focus on engaging with the community and explaining why we did things.

Unfortunately, it’s not enough to write the paper and hope someone will build it for you. Matt and I spent a year waiting for that to happen with the old Zerocoin protocol. Actually delivering working open source software needs developers, management, and both of those require funding. I appreciate all the support and faith in Matt and I’s abilities, but It simply wasn’t going to happen with just us. It took us a while to get out of that academic utopia, but thats that.


But you and Matthew Greene in my opinion has brought to the project more…

Maybe I’m wrong. And I don’t want to offend Zooko!!!
Just as I and my friends don’t understand what’s going on with the project. We waited for about 2 years. Every day reading tape Matthew Greene and you and… I think that you just had to ask for community money to develop. As an example, in the CIS about you know a lot of people and collect money for you(Even 1 000 000$) was not a problem.

And most uzhastnoe what piucture fear that community will not accept a good idea from those 20% will go to investors. If these 20% went to the team of developers.

zooko & ian, I hope as astute marketers you will understand for every person who makes the effort to complain there may be 100 others who agree with vlad and Trashman but don’t make the effort to give you feedback. And I hope you understand that (despite ostensibly English not being vlad’s native language) he is communicating to you that the ideology in the market of Bitcoin is that it is a community investment in bettering our world and that there shall not exist centralized parasites, not the Federal Reserve central bank nor investors. Again Zooko, I advise you give your investors a % of the corporation and you can raise funding for the corporation and service corporate needs for your technology. Simultaneously you could launch a general use Zcash that is targeted to the Bitcoin market and that community’s ideological sentiments, which can be orthogonal to your efforts to apply your technologies to corporate markets (or even somewhat integrated but not integrated from the funding perspective), and such could also serve to demonstrate that your company is the expert on this technology which can drive the funding of the corporation by venture capital investment (probably coming from the corporations that want you to invest in applying your technology to OpenLedger or other projects applicable to corporate needs).

I think Ethereum has shown that the Bitcoin community stands ready to buy into an ICO to the tune of $millions if you can demonstrate a superstar team of developers and clearly communicate your strategy for the Zcash ecosystem, so that speculators are enthused about the potential ROI. And then these speculators become cheerleaders for Zcash doing your PR for you at a viral scale that you can’t do otherwise.

For as long as the speculators can see the lion’s share of the ICO money is going to fund the develpoers, then the community that supported Ethereum will not likely complain (even though there will be some others who will complain if the launch isn’t a “fair” launch of debasement, but I’ve explained that it is silly to give that $ away to the electric and hardware companies who have no vested interested in Zcash’s development).

Also it seems to me that if you can show ICO funds have been stored in specific BTC addresses which are then maintained for the duration that the funds have not yet been spent on development, then you can effectively show that the funds were not used to purchase Zcash coins and thus the community will know your group is not controlling a large share of the coins.

An ICO presents some legal issues w.r.t. to the SEC regulations if you allow US investors to purchase. For this, you really need to consult an attorney. IANAL.

Edit: and if you are going to do an ICO, I urge you to do asap, because one theory is we are going into another liquidity contagion downturn worse than 2008 which may start as soon as May or maybe as late as 2017. It is quite possible that the altcoin market will go comatose. You would thus be advised to get funding now asap and not take coins from mining over an extended period of time. To be stable developers, you should not also be speculators. Remember that! I learned that the hard way in the past.


I completely agree!
I apologize for the very, very bad english

Sorry for keep on necroing posts im going to try to stop, but this is some key zcash lore that I was not aware of.

Maybe others see it as cool as I do.

I feel I should have know this, and you were right Ian.

Since we are digging up old Zcash lore :slightly_smiling_face:


idk if you can edit it, but ref 6 404’s and should be - A Bug in libsnark - Least Authority

nice write up. - do you think its worth asking ian if you can include his quote, it does add some really nice context.

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Its interesting to look at this after 4 years given how zcash has faired relative to other cryptocurrencies.
I stand by what I said, but I think we can and need to do considerably better in the next few years. And we should take this chance now to ask what we can improve at ECC, ZFND, and what lessons we can apply going forward to the MGRC.